This project aimed to start re-establishing the Dolphin Centre in Poole, as a centre for growth in the community, increasing footfall and developing the site into a major player in the area, with the Eco Hub at the centre of this idea. As well as creating a network of knowledge, where groups in the space can support each other, strengthening bonds between each element when working together.
Some images of the existing site in the Dolphin Centre. 
The EcoHub was opened in 2018 as an empty unit used by local charities, promotions and campaigns. The site is made up of windows, pillars, a front entrance, and emergency exits and can be accessed via the lift or the 2 sets of escalators. 

Analysis of the existing site.

Loneliness refers to the state of being alone or the perception of being alone and isolated. One in five people in Dorset are likely to suffer from loneliness, especially the older generation. Being lonely or feeling as if you are alone can be detrimental to one’s mental health. This project is focused on bringing a non-clinical service to support the health and well-being of the BCP community, through the Dolphin Centre.
Mental health and well-being are becoming a bigger focus point within society and the healthcare systems. The area created within this unit is a collaborative platform aimed to welcome and support those in the older generation suffering from loneliness. Studies have shown that socializing not only staves off feelings of loneliness, but also it helps sharpen memory, increases your sense of happiness and well-being, and may even help you live longer. Therefore the unit will give people a socialising and secure community to rely on when they are feeling lonely. 
Living green walls are panels of plants, grown vertically using hydroponics, on structures that can be either free-standing or attached to walls. Living green walls are also referred to as vertical gardens, green walls, living walls or eco walls. They are comprised of plants that are inserted into a growing medium and then places on the wall of buildings or within spaces. 
For this unit and space, a Living Green Wall will really benefit the people coming into the centre as it provides lots of plant benefits and gives a sense of well-being within the space. The wall itself dampens noise, which is perfect in a loud shopping centre, and it cleans the air of any pollutants. The self-watering walls would work great in this space as there is no extra plumbing needed for them and it could work as a fun activity for the elderly who enjoy gardening.
Green walls add and provide benefits connected to biophilic design: Biophilia means a love of nature, so biophilic design means using natural resources to create a sense of harmony between modern architecture and the natural world it also embraces the concept that people work better and feel better when they have access to nature inside their places of work.
Green walls are constructed much the same way actual walls are. They are built with a skeletal structure that is hung with sections containing the plants and flowers that will make up the Green Wall. As for the way the green wall functions itself, a lot depends on the type of Green wall system installed. Some green walls have hidden pipes which will provide a self-watering mechanism to keep the plants healthy, while others require hand-watering.
The new design of ‘the living room’ will give people an inclusive environment where they can socialise with others in a secure setting and gain some assistance and advice on the different things happening in their lives. There is a quiet area within the space allowing people to come and talk to a member of staff and gain some guidance on personal situations that might not need clinical treatment. The older generation is encouraged to come to ‘the living room’ not only to gain guidance on situations but to participate in staff-led social activities in the main area of the space. Local community groups and social groups will also be able to host events and activities to benefit and encourage the people attending the centre to join local communities and groups. Hosting these interactive sessions improves the well-being of the older generation as it allows them to meet new people, build new relationships and meet people who might be going through similar situations as themselves. 

Original spatial arrangement 

Final arrangement 

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